Why is it worth it?
A LinkedIn Ads campaign is a good way to start your marketing adventure in the B2B sector. Ads will be displayed to audiences who may become your business partners in the future. Investing in a marketing campaign on LinkedIn will also allow you to establish many relationships or see how your competitors are doing. An additional advantage of the platform is that the built-in marketing tools are easy to use.

What is a LinkedIn Ads campaign?
If you've read our previous posts on how to advertise on Facebook and Instagram, you'll know that advertising should start with setting up an account and developing an advertising strategy. The next, equally important step is to define your audience. Based on our experience, we will narrow down this audience together by defining the criteria for the industry you want to reach. Then, we will determine the budget and analyse how you would like to present your company. While building your marketing strategy, we'll show you 3 ways to advertise that LinkedIn allows:
- Advertising that contains sponsored content;
- Text advertising that is low cost;
- An InMail message, which is an advertisement found in your LinkedIn inbox.
Each of these ads will require targeting, that is, selecting the relevant requirements that will determine the appearance of the ad on the profile of a specific user. These requirements will be determined by criteria such as location, age, gender, industry, position or even desired skills. Once you have determined the structure of your ad, our team will prepare for you a graphic visualisation of future adverts, tailored to the requirements of the portal.
Interested in advertising on LinkedIn?
Write to us!What are the benefits of a LinkedIn campaign?
Przede wszystkim, niezwykłą zaletą LinkedIn jest dostęp do wspomnianej wcześniej bazy użytkowników, która składa się wyłącznie ze specjalistów. Kampania marketingowa LinkedIn Ads umożliwia kontrolę budżetu przeznaczonego na reklamę i elastyczne dostosowanie bieżących kosztów do osiągniętych efektów. Elastyczne są także drogi reklamowania – każdą kampanię można przeprowadzić w inny sposób!
The specificity of LinkedIn is that you will not find there information similar to that found on Facebook or Instagram. The platform consists of industry-specific posts that set out the companies' objectives for the coming year, treat scientific publications or present project realisations. The advertisements that appear there are also tailored to the content that is shared by users. Before you decide to run a campaign, look at popular posts or ads for inspiration.
If you want an experienced agency to prepare your organic profile - contact us! We can also help you manage your LinkedIn Ads campaign, for which we will create great ads. Contact us to find out more about the process and specifics of advertising on LinkedIn Ads.
Contact us to start your advertising campaign on LinkedIn!